This is surprising and shocking that there are words that have even more than thirty letters that make them the longest words. They are complex to write, pronounce, and learn their spellings.
The majority of the words mainly belong to medicine and the chemical industry. A lot of dictionaries have included them to spread more awareness. People online search many times to exactly pronounce the words just as they are.
Here is a list of such
words that are rarely used and are composed of many letters that make them
unique. Find it out.
1- Incomprehensibilities:
This word is long in the
most commonly used words. Its meaning is difficult or impossible to comprehend.
However, it contains twenty-one letters.
2- Dichlorodifluoromethane:
The word is a chemical term. It is a colourless gas. Twenty-three letters are forming it. This gas is used as a refrigerant gas in air conditioners and refrigerators.
3- Thyroparathroidectomized:
Twenty-five letters are combined together to make this word. It is a medical terminology
that means the surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
It is used in one of the
scenes of William Shakespeare's act. This word has the meaning of honourable and
5- Antidisestablishmentarianism:
A non-technical and
non-contrived word in the English language that is made up of twenty-eight
letters. It is directly related to a political movement that was aiming to
separate churches of England, Ireland, and Wales from the state. You can get help with dissertation writing for
knowing more about it.
6- Floccinaucinihilipilification:
Some of the resources declared that it is not a recognized word. It has twenty-nine
letters. It is considered as something that has no value or worthlessness. A
general observation is that this word is used in a humorous way mostly.
It is made up of thirty
letters. This word is mainly linked with a disease in which the body can't
respond to the parathyroid hormone and it is a mild form of
but it doesn't have high
levels of phosphorus and low calcium levels in the blood.
8- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious:
The actual meaning of this
word represents the approval fabulously. It became popular after the film Mary
Poppins. Thirty-four letters are used in making this word.
9- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia:
The word comprises
thirty-six letters. The most interesting facet of this word is that it is one of
the longest words and its meaning is all about having extreme fear of long
words. Also a phobia of meeting and interacting with new people.
10- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis:
It is a medical condition
caused by inhaling the very fine ash and sand which arises lung disease. A
sharp number of particles enter the lining of the lungs which leaks air from
it. It has no such cure. This is the longest word which has forty-five letters
in it.
How interesting is to find the longest word and their meanings:
Certain words are way too
long than normal words but still have some use. The thirst for learning new
words will increase your vocabulary too.
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